terça-feira, 13 de maio de 2008


Hi everybody! I have been a little bit busied, and then I couldn’t write in the last weeks.
Let’s speak about the last two party I have been. The first one was at Momentos, it is a Mexican Club, and of course it was crow of Brazilians as every club in Toronto, but was nice (not to much). The beer was expensive 5$. It is a small place, with Mexican and Brazilian music (funck pra variar). So, above you can see some pictures. The second was on last Friday, I went to Circas, nice place but the beer very expensive 7$, just electronic music, and again Brazilians.
But that time I had been seeing how the Canadians do at the party, it is a little bit strange, they dance together (bem sensual por sinal). But I think, I mean I’m not sure, everyone can enjoy the “line” I have never tried. The most interested thing was a “line” three girls and one guy, and then an additional came and asked “can I enjoy it?” one of the girls said “yeah” and then they started dancing. But I don’t know why she didn’t like it. And I think she said she was lesbian and the said “I would like to see it” then both of the girls kissed each odder, but one of them was with her boyfriend. I mean very strange, but it’s Canada. OK, that is the parties. So, next weekend I’m going to Ottawa, Quebec and Montreal with the school, and then when I come back I can tell you about the trip. See you later.

2 Comentários:

Blogger Stoll disse...

Well... Beer and chiks!!! It's a interesting combination for you, no??? I'm here in Leiges (Lages em inglês... Hahahahahaha), smoking a cigarrete and also drinking a beer... Next week i travel out from Brazil... I go to Paraguay!!! Hehehehehehe Me and Caro go to a wedding in Foz do Iguaçu, and i go shopping in Paraguay...
So, we talk more in another moment... Take care and stay cool...

13 de maio de 2008 às 19:07

Blogger Unknown disse...

Oi Carlos...q show suas fotos, festas...huuuun...uma dança sensual????
traz isso pro Br hahahahahaha
Continue nos relatando sua morada aí...
um super bjo

15 de maio de 2008 às 21:18


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