segunda-feira, 9 de junho de 2008

Niagara Falls

sábado, 24 de maio de 2008

Sunning day

Primeiro dia de sol em Toronto.

Aproveitamos pra dar uma volta na tal Dowtown (centro)

Nada d+ so um passeio ateh o "Harbor", sol calor 20C. muito quente.

Bom aproveitem o "view".

see you

Montreal - Ottawa - Quebec

Eae Pessoal

Aqui vao algumas fotos da viagem para Montreal - Ottawa - Quebec, o que eles chamam de Canada Francesa. Que por sinal eh muito mais intressante que Toronto, que naum tem nada de mais a naum ser a tal da CN Tower.
A viagem foi o maximo, no primeiro fomos para Ottawa (as ultimas 5 fotos) tava chovendo bastante
mas tava legal. Ottawa eh a capital do Canada, la ficam todos o Parlamento.
muito legal, tudo bem antigo. Um pena que naum deu pra entrar no predios.

No segundo dia fomos a Montreal a chuva deu uma tregua, mas o tempo naum tava dos melhores tava um pouco frio. Essas sao as fotos de Montreal (as 5 fotos do meio), muito massa, o Estadio Olinpico muito legal.

A melhor parte de toda aviagem foi Quebec, a arquitetura de la eh incrivel (as 5 primeiras fotos)
Ate tem um video pra voces se sentirem dentro da viagem. hehehehehehe

Bom quando eu voltar eu conto mais sobre essa viagem.
espero que gostem e se quizerem tem mais fotos no orkut.

terça-feira, 13 de maio de 2008


Hi everybody! I have been a little bit busied, and then I couldn’t write in the last weeks.
Let’s speak about the last two party I have been. The first one was at Momentos, it is a Mexican Club, and of course it was crow of Brazilians as every club in Toronto, but was nice (not to much). The beer was expensive 5$. It is a small place, with Mexican and Brazilian music (funck pra variar). So, above you can see some pictures. The second was on last Friday, I went to Circas, nice place but the beer very expensive 7$, just electronic music, and again Brazilians.
But that time I had been seeing how the Canadians do at the party, it is a little bit strange, they dance together (bem sensual por sinal). But I think, I mean I’m not sure, everyone can enjoy the “line” I have never tried. The most interested thing was a “line” three girls and one guy, and then an additional came and asked “can I enjoy it?” one of the girls said “yeah” and then they started dancing. But I don’t know why she didn’t like it. And I think she said she was lesbian and the said “I would like to see it” then both of the girls kissed each odder, but one of them was with her boyfriend. I mean very strange, but it’s Canada. OK, that is the parties. So, next weekend I’m going to Ottawa, Quebec and Montreal with the school, and then when I come back I can tell you about the trip. See you later.

domingo, 4 de maio de 2008

The first BALADA

Well, I went to my first Party in Toronto city, the club is called blvd room, nothing special, but a lot of people.
I nice place, beer not so expensive, like a 3.50 dollars, this is a cheaper beer here, believe it. Usualy is like 5.50 dollars. So I had like a 10 beers in 3 or 4 hours, I know was a lot.
So the party is a little bit strange, you can see the pictures, I’m so sorry because I didn’t bring my camera, then this pictures are from my cell phone. I promise next time I will bring it. Girls dancing together, is it common?
I meet Brazilians, Germans and many others countries.
Ok, after the party like 3 p.m. I was a little bit drunk and a little bit lost, I mean I was lost and drunk, the sub way wasn’t working and just a few street cars was working, then I walked like an hour and I found the way home.
On the back I found a lot of others clubs and some limousines, maybe famous actors or some thing like that, but I couldn’t know, or maybe somebody from Saudi Arabia, there are a lot of them in Toronto.
Was a nice experience, but I should drink less, hahahaha.
Next time I can tell more details.
See you later

sábado, 26 de abril de 2008

Toronto city

Hey everyone, here some pictures about Toronto City and Niagara falls. I tell you, I couldn't buy a camera, but I’ll do. This pictures are from my homestay mother's computer. However, today I couldn’t go out, because there is a strake from TTC (Commission Transport of Toronto), so anybody can't go anywhere.
That’s it.

See you later

My homestay

Essa eh a casa onde eu estou morando, nao eh nada d+, mas eh legal. Aqui todas as casas sao muito parecidas, diz a minha professora que por sinal eh brasileira mas vive aqui a mais de 20 anos, que as casas foram construidas pela mesma compania entao sao iguais so muda a cor e o jardim que cada um faz como quer.
A minha homestay mother eh uma figura, ela eh italiana mas mora aki a 35 anos, ja morou na venzuela e ja trabalhou no consulado deles aqui, entao ela fala espanhol muito bem.
Ja no primeiro dia fui recebido muito bem, eu acho, quando cheguei no aeroporto ja veio logo um cara perguntar se eu precisava de taxi, naum que ele fosse amigavel, mas queria meu dinheiro hehehehe. Por fim cheguei ao homestay sao e salvo. entao foi papo pra k papo pra la com mother, e ela foi me mostrar onde eu iria ficar. Velho!!! ela caiu o maior tombo, putis se esparramou no chao... Mas tudo bem nada de fraturas, hehehhe.
No mais eh isso, o mas dificil e esperar pra comer so a noite, pq a principal refeicao deles eh o jantar.
Bom vou vivendo e escrevendo e assim vcs irao me acompanhar.
See you later.